Sales associate
O’Conor, Piper & Flynn ERA

The marketing maven

Cindy Wrenn’s forte is getting the word out. Two months after joining O’Conor in 1998, she took on the marketing of a large, historic property that was having trouble finding a buyer.

Wrenn’s solution was to research the history of the property, create an eye-catching brochure, and make sure it got into the hands of every real estate editor in the area. Two newspapers did stories on the house, and it sold almost immediately.

That year, Wrenn was O’Conor’s Rookie of the Year, and by 1999 her sales volume was at $2.1 million.

Wrenn prospects the old-fashioned way by knocking on doors, calling FSBOs, and doing monthly mailings. She’s also active in her community, both with the local real estate board and in organizations such as the humane society.

“Service is more important than money,” she says. “If I give good service, the money will follow.”’