Bushari Group Real Estate
75 Arlington Street Suite 500
Boston, MA 02116
United States
Massachusetts US

By the Numbers

“Real estate is a game of tangible trading,” says Andrea McDonough, ABR, BPOR, who grew up and attended college in upstate New York. She moved to Boston and began her real estate career at CB Richard Ellis, working 90-hour weeks in a city in which she had few contacts. “I found some good leads at the dog park,” she recounts. An economics major who’d learned financial analysis at CBRE, McDonough knew her financial expertise would be her calling card. Her big break was served up while she was chatting with another patron at a café. He was a local developer and was so impressed by McDonough’s cash flow models that he became a client. “People trust in my numbers, not my feelings,” says McDonough, 28. “I’ll only let you know how I feel if I think you’re making a bad investment.”