The fact is, foreign buyers purchased more than $153 billion in U.S. real estate last year, and nearly 30% of all REALTORS® worked with international clients last year. The face of real estate buyers in the U.S. is changing, minorities are inching toward the majority, and the Fair Housing Act has made it possible for folks of all ethnicities to purchase homes without discrimination in the United States.
Fair Housing for All
NAR firmly believes in equal opportunity in housing. No person of this country should have the right to rent or purchase shelter of choice abridged because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Furthermore, these rights should not be limited because of existing or desired ethnic, racial, or religious proportions in any defined area.
The nation and NAR did not always support fair housing rights. In fact, NAR opposed passage of the Fair Housing Act, and at one time allowed local Associations to exclude members based on race or sex. Our understanding of fair housing rights changed over time and today NAR leads efforts to expand those rights.
We are proud to commemorate the anniversary of fair housing, and encourage you to read more about the importance of this legislation, and get involved in the commemoration!
Another way to learn about issues of fair housing, diversity and inclusion is to take NAR’s At Home With Diversity course. To help commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Fair Housing Act we are offering this course at a discounted rate on Monday, May 14 during the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington, D.C. Get more information here and join us!