High-speed Internet and 24/7 telecommunications have played a major role in helping people establish connections and stay in touch across the globe. As a result, the world seems smaller and more connected than ever.

These developments are beneficial to global real estate professionals. However, there remains an important and irreplaceable role for face-to-face networking at international trade shows, in spite of such advances in technology.

CIPS designees who travel beyond their borders to participate in global events almost always return with fresh insights and vital networking connections that could not have been cultivated any other way. The key is selecting the best events and making the right preparations.

This issue of Global Perspectives provides a road map for attending international events. Inside, you’ll  nd guidance on understanding the complexion of various meetings, essential tips for leveraging your opportunities, and a compilation of several noteworthy events held across the globe.

Take advantage of these resources to more fully immerse yourself in the countries and the people that are most important to your business. International trade shows and other global events can be one of the best ways to meet other agents, developers, and even potential clients, face to face.
