This year in Global Perspectives, we’ve provided in-depth coverage on international hotspots, the thriving Brazilian real estate market, identifying opportunities through local colleges and universities, and tips for increasing your online presence. By renewing your CIPS membership, you will continue to receive the benefit of Global Perspectives and the subsequent webinars to learn practical tips and techniques for building your global business.

Renew online before December 31, 2013 to receive a 10% discount. We will send membership information via email. To ensure you receive these messages, please check your email address and preferences at and click on “Log In/My Account.”

See You in San Francisco!

There really is no better time to leverage your CIPS designation than at the REALTORS® Conference & Expo, taking place in San Francisco. Visit, and click the “Search by Audience” link. Then select “International” for a full slate of programming specifically for global agents. We hope to see you there.
