The National Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors and Delegate Body today approved 9 transformative recommendations for the way NAR governance operates. The changes focus on the governance structure, process, people, resources, and culture of NAR:

  • A requirement that NAR's volunteer leaders—directors, Executive Committee members, committee liaisons, committee chairs and vice chairs, and RVPs—satisfy specific qualifications and performance expectation.
  • Changes to the composition of the Board of Directors.
  • Changes to the composition of the Executive Committee, as well as more frequent meetings and decision-making authority for the Executive Committee.
  • More specific duties for NAR Regional Vice Presidents and an electronic voting process, to be devised by NAR's Campaign Credentials & Rules Committee, in which NAR directors in a region elect their RVP candidates.
  • That Article IV of the NAR Constitution be deleted and replaced with language that reflect the new authority, qualifications, and composition of the new Board of Directors.
  • That Article V of the NAR Constitution be deleted and replaced with new language that reflects the authority, qualifications, and composition of the new Executive Committee.
  • That Executive Committee members be reimbursed by NAR for their travel expenses related to attending Executive Committee meetings consistent with NAR's member travel policy.

The changes were based on a set of recommendations from the Governance Game Changer Presidential Advisory Group. The 50-member PAG was appointed for a three-year term by NAR's 2018 leadership team under then-President Elizabeth Mendenhall. NAR's 1999 President Sharon Millett, a broker from Maine, served as PAG chair and Virginia REALTORS® CEO Terrie Suit served as vice chair.

NAR'S 2021 leadership team endorsed the PAG's recommendations prior to the 2021 REALTORS® Conference & Expo, which took place in San Diego Nov. 12­­­-15.

See details on these approved recommendations, learn more about the PAG, and read the PAG's Govern Forward report.