Surprisingly, one in five home owners consider their homes unhealthy, according to the Healthy Home Studypdf of about 800 home owners conducted by Houzz.
So what makes a home healthy to home owners? The top indoor concerns of home owners in gauging a home’s health: Moisture, air quality, and cleanliness. The top outside concerns: Air quality, grounds safety, and soil quality.
The home owners surveyed perceived newer homes to be healthiest with having no allergens or mold and limited instances of insects and rodents.
"Healthy homes" are considered 20 percent to 60 percent less likely to have some indoor contaminates, like excessive dust, mold, or contaminates in the drinking water, the majority of home owners said. However, nearly a third of home owners confess their home has excessive dust or pet dander issues.
Home owners who rate their home as “non-healthy” are more likely to remodel (view chart to see most popular upgrades planned). For example, one-fifth or more of home owners plan to do major painting, flooring, HVAC, windows, lighting upgrades, and insulation over the next 12 months.
Indeed, more than 40 percent of home owners say that preventing health problems remains a motivation for their renovation projects.