A lawn you barely have to water? That’s the luck of the Irish.
“Clover lawns,” which are covered with shamrocks instead of grass, started going viral on social media last fall and became the most searched home improvement trend on Google, according to a survey from Cinch Home Services. But why would homeowners want their lawn covered in a weed that was once considered a nuisance?

For starters, clover lawns are low-maintenance, require less water and no mowing. They’re also heat-resistant and can thrive in a drought—but they also can withstand extreme cold. So, clover lawns can work well in every region of the country. Growing concerns over water shortages and other environmental issues may be driving the sudden popularity of clover lawns, the survey notes.
However, most homeowners aren’t ripping out their turf completely but are using clover in certain patches of the lawn. Clover can spread fast in areas that don’t receive much sunlight, making it an appealing choice in shady areas where grass is harder to keep alive.
But there are some negatives to consider. Clover can attract bees and doesn’t handle heavy foot traffic as well as grass. Also, clover is a short-lived perennial, so you may need to reseed every two to three years. But clover is known as an affordable choice for turf, so it shouldn’t break the budget.