• Based on information from the May Realtors® Confidence Index, First-Time Buyers were 36 percent of the total Existing Home Sales market in April, down from 40 percent of the market the previous month. Demographics, the economy, and interest rates drive the First-Time Buyer segment of the market.
  • The Relocation (13 percent) and Other (15 percent, based on changing space needs) segments are dependent on economic conditions and can be expected to grow as the economy expands.
  • The Investor segment (20 percent) appears to be driven to a significant degree by the availability of lower priced distressed real estate, a situation that may continue for several more years.
  • The expanding world economy coupled with the decreasing value of the dollar is driving the international sector (3 percent).
  • General economic conditions drive the Second Home segment (20 percent) of the market.
  • Download the full RCI report here.

