The REALTORS® Confidence Index is a key indicator of housing market strength based on a monthly survey of over 50,000 real estate practitioners. Practitioners are asked about their expectations for home sales, prices and market conditions. In addition, the "Questions of the Month," feature results of a timely aspect of the housing market.  Jed Smith, Managing Director of Quantitative Research, highlights information from the January 2011 RCI report after the jump.

Realtor® Expectations for the next six months: The latest data from NAR’s Realtors® Confidence Index indicates that expectations about future market performance are on the upswing for all three major residential housing types—single family detached homes, townhouses, and condos. Some of the increase may be due to the normal seasonal upswing after the holiday seasons. The results are also in agreement with projections of continued economic recovery.

Buyer Traffic Is Up: The latest data from NAR’s Realtors® Confidence Index report shows that buyer traffic is reported to be on an upswing. Some of the increase may be due to the normal seasonal upswing after the holiday seasons. This is a recovery from earlier decreased traffic, also suggesting that the economy continues to recover from the Great Recession.
buyer trafiic

To view January 2011's full RCI report, simply click here.
