Every month REALTORS® provide a variety of comments on the state of the market when responding to the RCI survey. In general, REALTORS® noted in the February report that uncertainty about economic conditions, rising prices, weather, the limited inventories of available homes, and flood insurance were negatively impacting the home sales markets:

Lack of Inventory: The lack of available homes on the market seemed to be the most pressing problem mentioned by REALTORS®. In some cases potential sellers holding off from listing were mentioned as having unrealistic expectations. The lack of new construction and the inability of potential sellers to find a more suitable home in a time of limited supply were cited as contributing to the problem.

Uncertainties: A number of respondents essentially commented “people are waiting,” in reference to the overall state of the economy, concern about home affordability and rising prices, a lack of consumer confidence, etc. Put differently, a significant number of comments basically indicated that some people are in a stall mode. REALTORS® noted continued strong demand, but potential buyers were reported as being increasingly demanding in terms of expected home condition. The importance of realistic, accurate pricing was noted.

Weather: Continued difficult weather conditions were prominently mentioned by many REALTORS®. There seemed to be general agreement that there had been a significant negative impact on sales in many parts of the country.

Flood Insurance: The availability and cost of flood insurance were cited in a number of cases as having a negative impact on home sales.

Loan Availability: REALTORS® continued to cite problems for potential buyers in getting loans. There was a continued feeling that credit is unrealistically tight.
