• The manufacturing industry is expanding at the fastest pace in 3 years, according to a survey of supply managers.  The associated measure known as the ISM index hit 59.0 in August, implying more and more managers are seeing increased activity.  (A reading of near 60 implies very good conditions while a reading below 50 implies contraction in the industry).
  • Moreover, the number of managers indicating an expansion in employees was 25 percent, while the percentage of managers reporting job cuts was only 12 percent.
  • Separate data on industrial production also has been showing solid gains recently.
  • A gain in manufacturing activity generally helps the Midwestern states more than others.  Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois are typical beneficiaries.  They will also help the southeastern states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee as they have steadily captured a shift of manufacturing plant relocations from the Midwest to the Southeast.
  • One component of note in industrial production is the rapid growth in computer and electronic components.  The production of massive servers to store information in the cloud (such as iclouds) would be included in this category.
  • Recent headlines state the obvious of taking prudence when putting things on the web.  Nothing is ever safe.  Even data clouds can be broken into.  It used to be that the fearsome spy agencies of the CIA, KGB, MI6, and the Mossad collected secret photos by having agents hanging around strip clubs.  They were not there to enjoy the attractions but rather to snap secret photos of the clientele.  They knew that blackmail lasts forever, as can personal information leaks – so be careful with what you put on the web.



