The demand for rental units appears to remain strong, judging by rental price trends. Approximately half of REALTORS® responding in the REALTORS® Confidence Index Survey reported higher residential rents compared to 12 months ago. About 23 percent of REALTORS® reported conducting an apartment rental.

There have been reports that Millenials (the generation born approximately 1978/9 and subsequently) may be unable or unwilling to participate in homeownership to the same degree as previous generations--based on tough job markets and higher levels of student debt. This conclusion is not substantiated by a recent survey—but the Millenial generation is still evolving in preferences and age. In the July REALTORS® Confidence Index survey, approximately 52 percent of transactions went to clients aged 35-55 years old. Those aged 20 to 34 and under (that part of the Millenial generation currently of home-buying age) accounted for 26 percent of reported sales and numbered 28 percent of the over age 20 population.
