Title:Signature Series Speakers' Bureau

Eureka, MO


Speaker fee: $5,500 plus expenses
Course length: 3 hours

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Drew J. Stevens Ph.D. (“Dr. Drew”) is the author of Split Second Selling, the soon-to-be released “Ultimate Business Bible” and six other business books on sales, customer loyalty, self mastery and business development solutions. Drew helps organizations to dramatically accelerate revenue and outstrip the competition. He conducts over 40 international keynotes, seminars and workshops per year. Dr. Drew is the founder of the Sales Leadership Certificatexml one of only 14 programs in the U.S. offering an accredited degree in the profession of selling and has a top ranked podcast called Sales Acceleration.

For over 25 years Dr. Drew has presented humorous yet content rich information to audiences around the globe. Dr. Drew has a unique method of engagement to enhance learning and help individuals turn challenges into opportunities. His interactive, personal and engaging format is helpful to every organization that uses his techniques.

Meeting planners and participants applaud Dr. Drew for his fast paced, fun, information filled sessions. By combining his personal experiences, education and customer research, Dr. Drew ensures instant results after every session.

Course Descriptions

Split Second Selling - What to Say After Hello

90% of most sales professionals require more efficiency in selling due to a lack of methodology. Sales professionals today require more effectiveness to differentiate from competitive forces and offer more value to clients. With marketing clutter, too many interruptions and a wealth of information at their fingertips, clients are persnickety. Split Second Selling will help you move from spectator into the field of play. You will become more competitive and gain the results you seek!


Develop a sales method that creates instant results in less than 30 days.
Compare and Contrast tactics that help close 50% more business
Learn how to deliver value and turn around any discussion so that the topic is value (not fee).
Develop how to deliver your value proposition quickly and in a way that prohibits "deselection" by the buyer.
Create powerful approaches so that you know what to say after you say "hello."

Pump Up Your Productivity - The Yin and Yang of Organizational Success

If you're like most professionals, there are well over 100 different issues on your plate for the day, and nothing is organized. In fact, your imperative to-do list has items four months old! But, imagine how much more efficient your workdays would be if you were able to quickly find paperwork in a flash and gaining order amongst the commotion. Your ability to remain organized as you juggle a variety of projects, deadlines, and duties would enable you to perform your job easier and with less stress!

Understand how to overcome disorder
Develop methods that keep you more organized without time or effort
Learn 3 ways to organize your work space
Develop prioritizing and plotting the day's work: to determine what's urgent, what can wait, and what you can let go.

Ultimate Business Secrets - Growth Strategies for Ultimate Success

95% of most businesses close in the first three years of business. Operating a business is a difficult task whether retail, consulting, law or medical. Business operations require focus, and most importantly strategies for success. Many owners fail because they are unfamiliar with the four pillars of success.


Learn 7 of 12 imperative strategies that develop a positive cash flow
Develop the tactics necessary to manifest your marketing magnetism
Compare and Contrast methods that immediately help your bottom line and increase margins

Ultimate Secrets for Client Acquisition

The only reason to be in business is customer acquisition and retention. The issue is that many organizations spend more time on short term profits rather than what is most imperative- customers. With customer to customer influences stronger than they have ever been now is the time to develop growth strategies that differentiate your business and make your firm a customer magnet.


Develop five strategies that maintains relationships and retains clients
Understand how to deliver value the provides recurring clients
Develop tactics that deliver immediate customer satisfaction and improve survey

How to Master the Art of Lead Generation

Commercial Real Estate generates over $100 billion in annual revenue - yet, your phone isn't ringing. Welcome to the harsh reality of owning a business, where working hard and knowing your stuff isn't enough to fill your client roster or your bank account. If you don't want to crawl back to the world of corporate employment, you need to discover the right way to market your business - fast!

You will discover:

The 3 vital elements required to achieve a high six-seven figure income
Fundamental steps necessary to building a brand that differentiates you from the competition
No cost ideas that you can immediately implement to grow your business
Marketing techniques that build awareness without emptying your wallet
High impact growth areas to leverage in a slow economy for rapid business development

Leadership Secrets for Productivity and Morale Improvement

A majority of the issues related to worker productivity stem from enthusiasm or the lack thereof. Individuals simply go to work despite their abhorrence of their employer, the monotony, and the products. There is no passion or pride. Much of this issue stems from practices embedded within an organizational culture affecting morale and productivity. There are four vital components to positive performance; people, passion, processes and power. Organizations today lack passion from their employees creating a lack of morale and productivity.


Compare and contrast the roles of good and bad leaders to understand how powerful leaders broaden appeal to staff
Understand the importance of leader and staff relationship to help achieve productivity and morale
Learn how to reduce conflict so that staff work collaboratively to increase productivity
Develop communication techniques that help to reduce absence, hiring, severance and tardiness

Split Second Leadership - Become the Magnetic Everyone is attracted to

With job cuts, recessionary issues and a smaller workforce, managers and owners pause at the lack of productivity and worker disinterest. Nothing in the organization functions when individuals do not function properly. What does it take to motivate, instigate and inspirit today's workforce? Managers and owners are surprised to learn there are issues they can control! In a multinational, multi-gendered and multi-generational workforce, there are instant tools to help you create a passionate and energetic team!

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