REALTOR® Magazine is seeking nominations for the 18th annual Good Neighbor Awards. The program recognizes REALTORS® who’ve made an extraordinary commitment to community service. Five winners will be announced in October in REALTOR®Magazine and at the 2017 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in Chicago. The winners will receive a $10,000 grant for their community cause, national publicity, and travel expenses to the convention.

“REALTORS® have a unique approach with their charitable giving,” says Stacey Moncrieff, REALTOR® Magazine Vice President of Business-to-Business Communications. “REALTORS® strive to empower people, families and neighborhoods to grow and achieve their highest potential.” The Good Neighbor Awards are generously supported by primary sponsor and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.

Good Neighbor Award entries must be postmarked by May 12, 2017. For more details and an entry form, go to or call 800-874-6500.
