April 30, 2012

On April 26th, the House passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA.) The legislation would allow the government to relay cyber threat information to a company to prevent cyber attacks. In the private sector, corporations could alert the government and provide data that could stop an attack intended to disrupt the country's water supply or take down the banking system.

The Obama administration has threatened a veto of the House bill, preferring a Senate measure that would give the Homeland Security Department the primary role in overseeing domestic cybersecurity and the authority to set security standards. That Senate bill is expected to be voted on next month.

NAR is monitoring the legislation for potential amendments dealing with broad data security requirements. We are working with the Senate to ensure that any new data security requirements are narrowly tailored and do not create an unnecessary burden on small businesses and independent contractors.

NAR Comment Letterpdf

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