The REALTOR Benefits® Program can help you save time and moneygain a competitive edge and grow your business. 650,000 unique NAR members took advantage of at least one partner offer in 2012, saving an estimated $87.3 million.

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Designed specifically for REALTORS®, the program’s partners include companies offering marketing, technology, mobile, insurance, health/wellness, financial and personal protection services, as well as lead and transaction management, travel/automotive, office solutions, and more.

New partners

The new REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace is a one-stop shopping site for health and wellness insurance plans and products. Using the latest technology, NAR members can obtain quotes, compare plans, and purchase directly online.

Alternatively, check out RackSpace and discover a unique suite of professional, hosted email services at a significant discount for NAR members.

Want to learn more?

View the full list of all REALTOR Benefits® Program partners or learn more about the program. [link to new About page]
