It wasn’t long after the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® was founded that the management professionals hired to run the state and local chapters realized the need to form their own group to advance their professional goals and meet the diverse needs of their members. And so, the Association Executives Committee was born in 1912.

Since that time, the AEC has been integral in shaping the REALTOR® association management profession. This committee offers a full range of professional and leadership development programs for staff and volunteer leaders through the AE Institute Advisory Subcommittee, the RCE Certification Subcommittee, the Recommendations and Recognition Subcommittee, and the State EO Forum.

The committee has provided an organized voice for association staff at the national level, but perhaps the greatest benefit—as noted by R. Bruce Douglas, secretary of the National Association of Real Estate Boards in 1912, at that first meeting—is its belief in the “importance of personal interaction among peers,” known today as networking.

AEs across the country agree that the knowledge and ideas they gather from one another is priceless and worth more than anything they can learn from a course. What better way to experience that AE networking than to attend the annual AE Institute, the largest gathering of REALTOR® association executives? Join us March 16-20, 2012, in Louisville, Ky.—where the AEC was founded 100 years ago—to celebrate.

The AEC Mission:
To be a resource for REALTOR® associations at all levels by 1) ensuring that there is knowledge and understanding of issues and concerns between the association community and NAR committees and leadership; 2) providing a framework that ensures that staff and volunteer leaders have the professional development and management resources they need to provide optimal services to their members.
