Staff Specialist Job Functions Work Group

Friday, November 3, 2017

Chicago, IL

Work Group Purpose

Develop materials to assist associations in creating job descriptions or profiles for staff specialty areas, including but not limited to, member services, education, communications, government affairs, and MLS.

Meeting Activity

The Staff Specialist Job Functions Work Group met in Chicago, during the 2017 REALTOR® Conference and Expo.

Work group members reviewed drafts of more than 20 staff specialist sample job descriptions and provided input for revisions.  Based on the feedback, the job descriptions will be reviewed by NAR Legal staff, along with a legal disclaimer.  Reference to NAR Core Standards will be added to the job descriptions where appropriate.

With this input, staff will finalize the job descriptions, post them on, and promote their availability via the AE INS and Facebook.

Next Meeting

The work group has completed its objective.

Work Group Members

Rob Campau, RCE, CAE, Chair
​​​​Breanna Vanstrom, RCE, Vice Chair
Tyrone Adams, RCE, CAE
Barbara Barnes, RCE
Brian Bernardoni
Trudy Bounds
Sheila Dodson, RCE
Megan Foos, RCE
Tina Grimes, RCE
Ruth Hackney, RCE
Russell Hokanson, RCE
Shane Johnson
Tim Johnson
Leah Krnjaic, CAE
Terry Nolan
Peter Morgan
Monica Pena
Brandy Purcell-Hartman, RCE, CAE
Jamie Rix
Jennifer Roche
Andrew Sims
Peter Urrutia
​​​​​​​ Missy Vanderpool
Tyler Warner
Lynne Wherry
Christine Windle

Staff Executive
Krystal Allen

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