Association Executives Committee
HR Toolkit Work Group
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Meeting Summary

Work Group Purpose
Review NAR’s online HR Toolkit and make recommendations for new and updated content.

NAR has numerous association management resources on that support AEs in all aspects of their careers. As Core Standards take shape and new ways of doing business emerge (mergers, consolidations, chapters), AEC leadership identified a need to confirm that the human resources materials were up-to-date.  The HR Toolkit Work Group was formed to ensure that this online resource is current and meets AEs’ human resources needs. 

Meeting Activity
Work group members shared the output of their homework assignments, which were completed between the AE Institute and the Legislative Meetings in D.C. As a result of this sharing, the work group suggested that the HR Toolkit have two online views; one for AEs and one for leadership. Staff will look into the possibility of having this in the toolkit. There was also good feedback on promoting the toolkit. Many work group members discovered that AEs in the field didn’t know that the toolkit existed. Lastly, Chair Jerry Panz asked all work group members to confirm with staff any broken links in the toolkit sections they reviewed.

Next Steps
Staff will work on putting the changes into the toolkit. Once that is completed, they will circulate the toolkit back out to the work group for review.

Next Meeting
Thursday, November 3, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., in Orlando, FL

Work Group Members
Jerry PANZ, NC – Chair
Suzan Koren, NJ – Vice Chair
Donna Andrews, RI
Amy Aschenbrenner, CO

Casie Conlon, OR
Kehaulani Costa, HI
Gail Fusco, PA
Guyla Greenly, WY
Tina Grimes, OR
Shelia Hargraves-Torres, TX
Ann Londrigan, IL
Anne Marie Matteo, PA
Megan Meyer-Foos, OH
Lisa Myers, PA
Kathy Roberts, FL
David Sanders, NV
Jim Wetzel, VA

David Peretti

Staff Executive
Cynthia Bair


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