Goal #1:

Facilitate open communication between the AEC and other NAR committees whose goals and activities may impact REALTOR® association policies, procedures, and management operations.

Expected Outcome:

AEC liaisons to NAR committees serve as the communication link between the AEC and other NAR committees. Liaisons ensure that issues discussed in the respective committees have the benefit of the AE perspective, and that the AEC is apprised of issues being considered during and between NAR meetings, including issues that surface through on-line discussions and at local, state, and regional meetings. AEC leadership engages in communication with NAR officers to ensure that all levels of the organization coordinate efforts to best serve the members.


AEs were appointed to serve as liaisons to NAR committees, beginning with the 2017 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo. These liaisons are asked to keep the AEC informed of key issues that impact REALTOR® associations, and they are also expected to communicate information from the AEC to the respective committees for which they serve as a liaison. AEC leadership met with the NAR officers at both national meetings to keep them abreast of AE issue developments.

Goal #2

Develop a kit that includes templates and sample materials that associations can use to conduct live or online orientations for members who are new to the association's board of directors. 

Expected Outcome:

An orientation resource for association boards of directors that includes sample job descriptions, guidelines for relationships between staff and lay leaders, antitrust, fiduciary responsibility, budget responsibilities, and quick tips.


The AEC Board Orientation Work Group is developing an online kit that includes templates and sample materials that associations can use to conduct live or online orientations for members who are new to the association's board of directors. The kit will include sample job descriptions, guidelines for relationships between staff and lay leaders, antitrust, fiduciary responsibility, budget responsibilities, and quick tips. The kit, which will be available in various formats such as PowerPoint templates, video snippets, and resource links, will be organized within the following categories:  business operations, governance policies/management, risk management, and roles of an effective director. 

Goal #3

Develop materials to assist associations in creating job descriptions or profiles for staff specialty areas, including but not limited to, member services, education, communications, government affairs, and MLS.  

Expected Outcome:

A resource that includes sample staff specialist job descriptions or profiles by association size, or templates with guidelines or suggested job functions.


The Staff Specialist Job Functions Work Group created more than 20 job descriptions that have all been formatted in a template for consistency.  The job descriptions will be posted in the Human Resources Toolkit on nar.realtor.   

Goal #4

Identify models that would lead to relationships between local and state associations that are mutually beneficial and result in the best possible service and value for members.

Expected Outcome:

Associations will be exposed to various models of collaboration that may set the stage for further conversations between local and state associations, resulting in greater collaboration, less duplication, and greater efficiencies.


The results of a survey on this topic, sent to all local and state AEs and presidents, laid the foundation for the work group discussions. To start, the work group identified areas of overlapping responsibilities and duplicative services, disparity in governance models, need for a business-oriented governance model, discrepancies in association size and revenue, scalability issues, personality clashes, MLS protectionism, jurisdiction issues, loss of identify after a merger, etc., as hindrances to collaborative and harmonious relationships. The work group is identifying some best practices and potential recommendations to address these issues, which will be compiled in a full report.  

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