Detail from a promotional mailing for the National Association's 1932 convention in Cincinnati.
  The NAR Archives is the repository for historical records of the National Association of REALTORS®. These records document the executive decisions of the Association from its founding in 1908 to the present and the evolution of the real estate industry since the 1890s.

The Archives collection contains a wide range of material, including Board of Directors minutes, committee meeting minutes, the Code of Ethics since 1913, policy and procedure manuals, Constitution & Bylaws, books, surveys, research reports, journals and newsletters (REALTOR® MagazineREALTOR ® NewsRealtor HeadlinesNational Real Estate Journal,Freehold, etc.), annual convention programs and souvenirs, biographies, press releases, brochures, directories, promotional material, photographs, audio and video recordings, memorabilia, and more. In addition to information on the National Association, the collection covers the history of state and local associations, NAR's affiliated societies, institutes and councils, and spinoff organizations (Urban Land Institute, ARELLO, National Association of Home Builders, Appraisal Institute, etc.).

Reference assistance is provided to Association staff, state and local board staff, and members. Non-members may have limited access to the collection on a case-by-case basis. Selections from the collection, research guides, past annual reports, biographies of NAR presidents, a monthly real estate history feature, and other resources are also available in the Archives on

For research assistance or questions about the Archives, contact Frederik Heller at 800-874-6500 x8361 or

