Objective 1

Be the “Voice for Real Estate” and promote market statistics and/or real estate trends and issues and their impact on consumers.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Highlight local, state or national real estate data in a news release or through direct outreach to local reporters (e.g., release MLS or local market statistics, Realtor® Property Resource data, NAR research reports, local/state analysis of NAR statistics, etc.) through press releases, interviews, etc. Find NAR’s news releases at www.nar.realtor/news-releases and the schedule for economic releases at www.nar.realtor/for-the-media/2014-nar-statistical-news-release-schedule.
  2. Arrange interviews with association leadership to provide context to local real estate data. Use NAR’s media talking points to help prepare leaders for their interviews, www.nar.realtor/talking-points.
  3. Identify local angles of data from NAR research reports and reach out to local reporters. NAR real estate trends research is available at www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports.
  4. Conduct deskside briefings with local editors to share insights from the local MLS, commercial information exchange, and association-generated real estate data.
  5. Embed the free Real Estate Today radio audio player to your association website so consumers can hear the show digitally each week (www.RETRadio.com).
  6. Add the free REALTOR® Content Resource widget to your association website to stream original homeownership content from HouseLogic.com, NAR’s award-winning homeownership site (http://members.houselogic.com/start/).
  7. Use social media (Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook) to share local real estate data insights, and retweet NAR Research insights.
  8. Conduct deskside briefings with local editors to share insights from the local MLS, commercial information exchange, and association-generated real estate data.

Objective 2

Enhance community involvement to promote the value proposition of using a REALTOR® and/or engage in community activities that enhance the image of REALTORS®.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Run a TV, radio or print ad from NAR’s Consumer Advertising Campaign in a local media outlet; incorporate CAC materials into the Associations’ website. Advertising materials can be found at www.nar.realtor/consumer-advertising-campaign.
  2. Reach out to reporters to suggest stories that demonstrate members’ value to home buyers and sellers, small business owners, retailers and other commercial businesses. Three timely story ideas for media pitching are posted each month at www.nar.realtor/newsroom/real-estate-story-ideas
  3. Reach out to local newspapers or websites and offer free content for a regular real-estate related guest column. A timely fill-in-the-blank article is available each month at www.nar.realtor/ae/share-and-promote/real-estate-facts.
  4. Sponsor or participate in job or small business fairs.
  5. Host a seminar on how to invest in commercial property.
  6. Host a local open-house weekend. For information and resources, visit www.nar.realtor/topics/realtor-open-house-events.
  7. Provide materials that help members reach out to consumers directly.
  8. Provide materials that help members reach out to businesses directly.
  9. Host a homeownership event or fair.
  10. Host a tour of vacant commercial properties.

Objective 3

Boost consumer advocacy efforts and engage the public in legislative/political issues that impact homeownership, real estate investment and related issues.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Apply for an NAR Issues Mobilization grant (https://realtorparty.realtor/campaign-services/issues-mobilization).
  2. Submit an op-ed or letter to the editor of the local newspaper addressing the issue at hand. NAR’s most recently submitted and published op-eds and letters to the editor are available at http://www.nar.realtor/for-the-media/op-eds-and-letters-to-the-editor.
  3. Mobilize members to ask their clients and customers to contact their local representative about an issue.
  4. Mobilize consumers directly to stay informed about housing and real estate issues by having them sign up for the Homeownership Matters Action Center (http://homeownershipmatters.houselogic.com/)
  5. Conduct a town hall meeting to address the relevant local issues.

Objective 4

Heighten community investment through organizing human resources (i.e., assisting in a Habitat for Humanity build, etc.) or fundraising for the benefit of local charitable/community organizations.

Possible Action Plans

  1. Apply for an NAR Housing Opportunity grant (www.nar.realtor/articles/nar-offers-community-program-grants-to-associations).
  2. Apply for a REALTOR® Party Community Outreach grant for a Better Block or Placemaking project (https://realtorparty.realtor/community-outreach/smart-growth).
  3. Organize Realtor® participation in a community fundraising drive or event, such as a local walkathon, donation drive, or volunteering for a homeless shelter.
  4. Organize a fundraiser activity such as a golf tournament, with proceeds benefitting a community organization.
  5. Develop long-term, multi-year relationship with community organization to promote shared goals for the community.
Notice: The information on this page may not be current. The archive is a collection of content previously published on one or more NAR web properties. Archive pages are not updated and may no longer be accurate. Users must independently verify the accuracy and currency of the information found here. The National Association of REALTORS® disclaims all liability for any loss or injury resulting from the use of the information or data found on this page.