The National Association of REALTORS® awarded the DIAMOND Global Achievement Program Award to the West San Gabriel Valley REALTORS® Global Business Council at the Annual Conference & Expo in San Francisco, CA. The Association staff and volunteer leaders have demonstrated six consecutive years of consistently high levels of achievement in the five evaluated categories: Business Plan, Marketing & Communication, Events/Education, Outreach, and Benchmarking.

In addition to excelling in the above categories, since 2009 the WSGVAR Global Business Council has served their diverse, 2900+ membership base. Eight-seven percent of WGVRs members speak a language other than English and recognizing this diversity, their global council has translated their brochures into Spanish and Chinese (traditional and simplified) and they share their press releases with foreign language press outlets as well. In addition to being NAR’s Ambassador Association to Taiwan (and receiving the Ambassador Association of the Year Award in 2013), they have entered into Memorandums of Understanding with an additional sixteen NAR bilateral partners representing areas that reflect the diversity of their membership in order to further connect with real estate opportunities around the world. And over the past 6 years, they have participated in numerous inbound and outbound trade missions with those partners. They have also developed a robust Trade Mission booklet detailing the US real estate market, the definition of a REALTOR®, the MLS, their global leaders, and their own WSGVR accomplishments for use at those meetings.

In 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, the WSGVAR Global Business Council received the Platinum Achievement Award. In 2013, they received Gold.

Congrats, WSGVAR Global Business Council!