This sample job description for large associations comes from the REALTOR® Association Models Planning Tool. Use it as a starting point for understanding the unique duties of a Leadership Association president and for setting personal goals.

Leadership Model Operating Philosophy

A leadership association initiates policy formation and advocacy on all levels and seeks and implements innovative and creative programs, products and services that ultimately provide enhanced value for all REALTOR® association constituencies. This model presumes a high level of sophistication, innovation and proactivity. Typically staff includes a senior management team of department heads who report to the AE and are responsible for all association administration and management. In such associations, the staff will possess expertise and provide leadership in legal, regulatory and business issues impacting the association and will transparently manage association business. It relies on volunteer input and strategic partnerships and offers working relationships with other service organizations.

President’s Responsibilities

Governance of Association Structures and Organizational Operations

Collaborate with Staff and Management
Determine the association's future direction and set parameters for staff empowerment; leadership allows for internal organizational structure to be created and managed by staff.

Develop Association Strategy and Goals
Determine the association's strategic vision; direct chief staff executive in developing association goals; monitor goal implementation.

Facilitate Implementation of Objectives and Operations
Lead the board of directors in determining the association's vision and strategic outcomes; delegate chief staff executive to make all operational decisions.

Review Committee Structure
Consider recommendations from chief staff executive on which committees will be formed to implement objectives identified by the board of directors.

Review Budget
Approve comprehensive budget as developed by staff; empower chief staff executive to make budget adjustments within established guidelines.

Member Services

Support Member Recruitment, Retention, and Orientation
Provide leadership support for new member recruitment, retention, and orientation efforts.

Develop Strategic Analysis
Lead the association in an ongoing analysis that envisions, identifies, and implements strategic initiatives based on member needs.

Exhibit Leadership in Networking Activities
Assume a visible leadership role at association networking and social functions.

Internal and External Relations

Develop Future Volunteer Leaders
Work with chief staff executive to identify, develop and nurture future volunteer leaders, as outlined in the association's comprehensive leadership development plan.

Cultivate Synergistic Relationships
Work with chief staff executive in fostering effective and synergistic relationships with the following: local government leaders and legislators, service providers, vendors, consultants, contractors, influential and market share members/industry leaders, allied real estate groups who view the association as an industry leader, media, community groups, allied organizations and culturally diverse groups with an eye on building and leading political and business coalitions, and other advocacy groups.

Promote Political Awareness Activities
Support and promote the association's political awareness and fundraising plan as a significant component of the organization's activities.

Promote Government Advocacy Activities
Assume a leadership role, in partnership with the state and/or national associations, to support government advocacy activities in the community.
