RPAC Major Investors

RPAC’s Major Investors are an elite and passionate group of REALTORS® whose investments shape the political future of the real estate industry. Major Investors are eligible to participate in the RPAC Recognition Program, with specific benefits and accolades that acknowledge their support of RPAC.
View Major Investors

President's Circle

The President’s Circle is a group of REALTORS® who contribute directly to REALTOR®-friendly candidates at the federal level. Political Action Committees, like RPAC, can only legally contribute $10,000 per election cycle to a congressional candidate. The President’s Circle Program supports REALTOR® Champions—members of Congress who have made significant achievements in advancing the REALTOR® public policy agenda. The President’s Circle Program allows REALTORS® to contribute beyond RPAC dollars and increase the strength of the REALTOR® voice on Capitol Hill.
President's Circle Members and Directory

Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame recognizes dedicated members who have made a significant commitment to RPAC over the years by investing an aggregate lifetime amount of at least $25,000. Among the Hall of Fame benefits are name plaques on the RPAC Hall of Fame wall located on NAR’s Washington, D.C. building rooftop, personal plaque commemorating the installation and recognition pins with the Hall of Fame designation.
Hall of Fame 

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