REALTORS® can share NAR's customizable Protect Your Investment and Protect Your Credit brochures with their consumers. Also, check out the most recent issues of the On Common Ground Magazine to learn about policies, practices, and approaches to building back better communities.

Protect Your Investment Brochure

REALTORS® have access to a resource to share with homeowners who are struggling to meet their loan obligations. The guide encourages homeowners to work with REALTORS® and housing counselors and offers guidance on options provided by lenders. REALTORS® may add their logo to the cover for a customized look. The brochure is available in English and Spanish. Visit for more information.


Protect Your Credit Brochure

REALTORS® have access to a new resource to share explaining the provisions implemented by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to protect consumers’ credit scores. The guide outlines consumers’ rights under the CARES Act, explains how to obtain a free credit report, and offers guidance on how to dispute inaccurate credit information. REALTORS® can add their logo to the front cover. The brochure is available in English and Spanish. Visit for more information.

On Common Ground: Retooling Communities in the Age of COVID-19

The Spring 2020 On Common Ground issue covers the impacts of COVID on both our personal space and our shared public space, including ways localities are helping people to keep their housing, changes to public and private spaces, and strategies for small businesses to keep the doors open. An online version is available via the OCG APP (Apple) (Google Play) and online via Over 35,000 copies were distributed to state and local associations and elected officials.  


On Common Ground: Recovering, Rebuilding and Rebalancing

The Winter 2020 On Common Ground issue explores ways our cities, counties and towns are responding to COVID impacts and need for equity via through citizen engagement, planning and zoning reforms, data tracking and community revitalization strategies. Over 35,000 copies were distributed to state and local associations and elected officials. An online version is available via the OCG APP (Apple) (Google Play) and online via

