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Realtor.com® was developed to provide consumers with a single online resource for all property listings, and for all REALTORS® to have a resource developed for NAR, by NAR. It remains the number one most visited homes-for-sale site, with millions of consumers viewing the website each month.

All your listings can be posted for free, and you can enhance them with what consumers want the most: multiple photos, detailed descriptions, virtual tours, and more. Be sure to include realtor.com® and its online services as part of your marketing plan.

To receive this benefit you must be an MLS participant and your MLS must be a realtor.com® data content provider.

Resources from realtor.com® include:

Realtor.com® Marketing Solutions

Realtor.com® Free Online Training

Realtor.com® Customer Support

Realtor.com® International

Benefits to REALTORS®

Thousands of REALTORS® effectively incorporate realtor.com® into their marketing, prospecting, selling, and service value propositions through such notable programs as Featured Agent™, Featured Homes™, listing enhancements (including virtual tours), and personal web sites. Realtor.com®'s Marketing Solutions help members leverage their web presence to market their clients' properties online and offline.

With more than 70% of consumers searching online, realtor.com provides REALTORS® with the largest audience of consumers actively engaged in buying or selling residential real estate, and makes it possible for REALTORS® to secure more listings, sell more homes and promote themselves to the largest qualified online audience of homebuyers and sellers in history.
