The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® in May introduced the REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace, a one-stop shopping site just for members, featuring a full roster of insurance plans and products. Offerings include a major medical health insurance marketplace, a short-term health insurance plan, a limited liability supplemental health insurance plan, a dental plan, a free prescription drug savings card, and helpful links to additional insurance plans that offer savings to NAR members.

Just in time to meet the 2014 deadline of the Affordable Care Act that mandates that all Americans have minimal major medical coverage or pay a penalty, the Marketplace not only offers plans that qualify but offers personal advice and guidance on meeting the ACA requirements. A toll-free phone line is staffed with licensed insurance specialists who have expertise in the Act’s mandates.

The Health Insurance Marketplace (also called a Health Insurance Exchange) is a mini Web site within, where NAR members can compare major medical plans, obtain quotes, and purchase health insurance directly online.

Based on the geographic and demographic information that members provide, the Marketplace will provide a snapshot of the health insurance plans available.

REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace is powered by SASid (Smart and Simple insurance development) through the REALTOR Benefits® Program. To spread the word to your mem­bers, download banner ads, flyers, and other materials at www.RealtorsInsurance