Part Three - Use by Members: The REALTOR® Logo

I. With Member's Name

As with the terms REALTORS® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, the REALTOR® Logo may also be used adjacent the Member's name. All such uses of the REALTOR® Logo must comply with the policies and guidelines regarding display of the Logo, as set forth in this Manual.

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II. With Firm Name

The REALTOR® Logo may be used adjacent to the local firm name, but may not be used in connection with or adjacent to a franchisor or a conglomerate name or logo. The REALTOR® Logo may be used adjacent a local firm logo providing that logo does not detract from or compete with the distinctiveness or identifiability of the REALTOR® Logo.

A. On Letterhead/Business Cards

The REALTOR® Logo may also be used on the letterhead, business cards and other business supplies which bear the name and address of the Member or the Member's firm.

Salespersons who are affiliated with a REALTOR® but who are not themselves Members of the National Association, may not use business cards with the REALTOR® Logo imprinted thereon. This strict prohibition or use of the REALTOR® Logo on business cards of non-members applies even if the REALTOR® Logo is used immediately adjacent to the name of the firm or Member with whom the salesperson is affiliated. Any use of the REALTOR® Logo on the business cards of non-member salespeople has been interpreted by the Board of Directors of the National Association as implying that salesperson is, in fact, a Member.

Improper Use Proper Use

B. On Signs/In Advertising

Decorative or script typefaces of copy adjacent to the REALTOR® Logo are not recommended because they compete with and detract from the REALTOR® Logo. In particular, Futura Black, the typeface used for the stylized "R" in the REALTOR® Logo, should never be used in adjacent copy.

Futura Block

The following typefaces were chosen for their maximum compatibility with Avant Garde Light, the typeface used for the term REALTOR® as it appears under the block "R". They are further recommended for adjacent copy because of their legibility, suitability and clear, clean graphic character.

C. On Incentive Items/Give-Aways

Members may apply the REALTOR® Logo to incentive items for distribution to other Members provided such items are intended solely for the ultimate use of such Members. Give-aways (functional promotional items distributed by Members to the public or customers and clients at little or no cost) may also carry the REALTOR® Logo, provided the name of the Member or Member's firm and address is imprinted adjacent to the REALTOR® Logo to identify the distributor as a Member rather than the recipient or end user. Only items expressly approved in advance by the National Association may use the Logo without relating it to a particular Member, Member firm, or Member Board.

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III. Never ...: Uses to Avoid

The examples below serve to emphasize correct use of the REALTOR® Logo by illustrating incorrect uses.


· redraw, round the corners, reshape, trace, tilt, intersect, photographically alter or otherwise distort the REALTOR® Logo:


· use the block "R" or the Futura "R" as part of a company or individual name, or as the first letter of any words beginning with "R", particularly words like "Real Estate," "Realty" or the mark REALTOR®:


· superimpose the REALTOR® Logo over any graphic pattern or design:


· combine the REALTOR® Logo with any other symbol or device:


· outline or frame the REALTOR® Logo:


· use an identifier other than one that is approved and is the proper size and typeface:


· reverse the contrast of the block "R" without also reversing the contrast of the identifier below it:


· reduce the REALTOR® Logo to the point where either the identifier or the registration symbol is not legible:


· use Futura typeface for the term REALTOR® or copy adjacent to the REALTOR® Logo. Decorative and script typeface should also be avoided:

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