On July 27, 2020, the Senate released a series of bills that will offer relief to individuals, families, and businesses still facing hardships posed by the pandemic. Eight bills make up the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability protection and Schools (HEALS Act). View a summary of those provisions at nar.realtor/HEALSact.

NAR sent a letterpdf this week to Congressional Leadership outlining provisions in the HEALS plan supported by NAR. Included in the Republican plan are more direct payments to Americans, liability protection for businesses from exposure claims (including for non-profits and independent contractors), enhancements to the Paycheck Protection Program (including additional funding and the ability to apply for a second loan for some), money for schools, and a continuation but reduced among of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). NAR sent a letterpdf to Congressional leadership on July 17, with proposals to help support the housing and real estate industry, and several of the priorities were included in the Republican plan.

The House of Representatives passed the HEROES Actpdf in May, and now Congress will negotiate the provisions included in these bills over the next few weeks for a final bill that will likely be signed into law.

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