Decades ago, it was not uncommon for people to work at the same job for the entirety of their professional career. Similarly, many people kept the same home their whole lives. Those trends, however, have shifted. Today most homeowners buy and sell several homes throughout their lifetime. The reasons to sell one’s home vary—changes in family situations, neighborhood transformations, financial changes, and many others. However, the most popular reasons sellers decided to leave their home for another are quite simple—people moving to new areas and outgrowing their homes. According to the National Association of REALTORS® 2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 15 percent of sellers sold their previous home because the place was too small. That number was much higher (30 percent) among first-time sellers. Additionally, another 15 percent sold their last home due to job relocation.

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Review data from NAR’s Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers on why owners chose to sell their home. Talk to a REALTOR® in your area to see if those reasons hold true in his or her experience. Talk to recent sellers to see what factors motivated them to sell and find a new place.
