WASHINGTON (January 23, 2025) — The National Association of Realtors® (NAR), National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), National Apartment Association (NAA), Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), Real Estate Technology and Transformation Center (RETTC), US Mortgage Insurers (USMI), National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance, Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA), American Land Title Association (ALTA), National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), American Property Owners Alliance (APOA), National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), and Leading Builders of America thank Representatives Mark Alford (R-MO), Tracey Mann (R-KS), Luis Correa (D-CA), and Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) for reintroducing the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus. The desire for homeownership and housing development is strong nationwide, yet the shortage of affordable housing units and limited supply continues to hinder countless Americans from realizing this dream. It is crucial for Congress to back policies that drive growth in the real estate sector, a mission central to the goals of the reintroduced caucus.
Tackling the affordability crisis begins with addressing the nation’s critically low housing inventory. Research from leading economists reveals that the United States is short more than 4.5 million housing units, reflecting a severe underinvestment in housing infrastructure and driving home costs way beyond an affordable threshold for many Americans. U.S. tax policy must play a greater role in fostering homeownership, strengthening communities, expanding rental housing across all price points, and driving economic growth. We commend this caucus for initiating vital discussions on overcoming the barriers to building affordable housing and easing the challenges first-time buyers face in entering the market.
National Association of Realtors (NAR): "Lawmakers from across the political spectrum are in overwhelming agreement that this nation is facing a housing affordability crisis. Homeownership is a bipartisan issue, and we applaud these members of Congress for forming a caucus to work across the aisle to make housing more accessible. We look forward to working closely with this group to further advance our advocacy efforts to increase the housing supply and help individuals from all backgrounds find a path to homeownership."
National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC): "Housing is not a red or blue state issue but an issue of critical importance for Americans in every community across the country. This is the time for lawmakers to roll up their sleeves and enact policies that will expand the supply of needed housing for all. NMHC applauds the members of the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus for prioritizing housing, and we look forward to working with them on real, actionable solutions to our housing crisis."
National Apartment Association (NAA): "From local ballot measures to the presidential campaign, last year's election made clear that now is the time for bold, bipartisan action on housing policy. Housing has no political party, and NAA applauds members of the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus for stepping up to lead at such a pivotal time. NAA looks forward to working alongside these leaders and enacting commonsense policy solutions that help solve our nation's longstanding housing affordability crisis."
Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA): "The Mortgage Bankers Association applauds the reintroduction of the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus and the continued focus on addressing the housing market’s ongoing challenges and opportunities. With housing affordability and supply at critical lows, the caucus can be an essential platform for advancing bipartisan solutions that expand access to affordable homeownership and rental housing. MBA is committed to working with Congress to ensure a stable and sustainable real estate finance system that benefits homeowners and renters alike strengthens communities, and drives economic growth nationwide."
Real Estate Technology and Transformation Center (RETTC): “The Real Estate Technology & Transformation Center (RETTC) applauds the launch of the Bipartisan Real Estate Caucus in the 119th Congress as an important step toward addressing the nation's housing shortage. Tackling this crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including leveraging technology-driven solutions to enhance housing affordability, reduce costs, improve resident experiences, and overcome obstacles to constructing much-needed new housing.”
US Mortgage Insurers (USMI): “USMI welcomes the relaunch of the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus, and we look forward to working with its members to advance policies that support a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to mortgage credit for borrowers, while protecting taxpayers from risk.”
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB): “With the nation facing a severe housing affordability crisis, NAHB applauds lawmakers for reintroducing the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus in the 119th Congress. Housing is not a partisan issue. It is an American issue. We look forward to working with the Caucus to enact policies that will enable builders to boost housing production to make homeownership and renting more affordable and to keep housing as a national priority.”
LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance: “The LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance congratulates the Congressional Real Estate Caucus for relaunching in the 119th Congress. We look forward to bipartisan efforts that recognizes homeownership is for everyone and we stand ready to support your efforts to achieve housing equality for all Americans.”
Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA): “Housing is one of the core dreams that all Americans share. It is one of the strongest tools for the establishing generational wealth, and a place of identity and stability. Addressing the affordability crisis will benefit all Americans; rural and urban, red and blue states, and of every class, color, and creed. AREAA commends the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus for their work and looks forward to working together to pursue success."
American Land Title Association (ALTA): “We commend Representatives Alford, Mann, Correa, and Pettersen for continuing to lead the Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus in the 119th Congress. Title and settlement professionals nationwide work every day to protect homebuyers and their property rights. At the core of those efforts is expanding the dream of homeownership and enhancing housing affordability and opportunity for all Americans. We look forward to working with the Caucus in advancing commonsense policies to support this critical need.”
National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP): “NAHREP welcomes the return of the bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus and its leadership on housing affordability. With Latinos projected to drive 70% of homeownership growth by 2040, expanding Hispanic homeownership is critical to closing the wealth gap and securing the future stability of the entire US housing market. We look forward to partnering with the Caucus on innovative solutions that promote sustainable wealth building through homeownership."
National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB): “The Realtists are committed to ‘Democracy in Housing’ to close the racial wealth gap and advance equitable access to affordable homeownership for Black Americans. We are optimistic about the return of the Congressional Real Estate Caucus in the 119th Congress and look forward to working with Congress to address major roadblocks for Black buyers including lack of housing supply and affordability.”
American Property Owners Alliance (APOA): "Home ownership is the pinnacle of the American dream, and the pathway to financial security and success. Homeowners - and people who want to become homeowners -- are looking to their congressional leaders to help solve some of the biggest obstacles to achieving that dream: housing affordability and housing supply. The Bipartisan Congressional Real Estate Caucus has our profound thanks and support as they work to tackle these issues on behalf of current and prospective homeowners. We look forward to working with them once again to advance pro-housing policies that will open the door for more Americans to reach this hallmark of personal and financial success."
Leading Builders of America: "The time has come to make housing a national priority. We must work across party lines to support policies that allow the industry to reduce the cost of developing finished lots and building homes. Building more housing options for young families and first-time buyers is a critical need in this economy."
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