Both the House and Senate are in session this week.

What issues should REALTORS® follow? Early Impressions of New Tax Law; HUD Rental Insurance Reform; FAA Reauthorization Act; Small Business and Infrastructure; Fiscal 2019 Transportation-HUD Appropriations; and Small Business Cybersecurity.


Tuesday, April 24

Early Impressions of New Tax Law: Senate Finance Committee
Watch the live stream

FAA Reauthorization Act: House Rules Committee
Watch the live stream

Wednesday, April 25

Small Business and Infrastructure: House Small Business Committee

HUD Rental Insurance Reform: House Financial Services — Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance

FY2019 Office of Housing and Federal Housing Administration: House Appropriations — Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies
Watch the live stream

Small Business Cybersecurity: Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee
Watch the live stream

*Schedule is subject to change at any time.
