Title:Signature Series Speakers' Bureau, SUE, MBA, CSP

Scottsdale, AZ


Speaker fee: $4,000 including travel expenses
Course length: Up to 3 hours


Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA, CSP, is considered the "Muhammed Ali" of personal development, leadership, communications and managing change. She can dance and look pretty and she uses the entire ring, but she knows how and when to land a knockout punch. Think of her presentations as charm school with live ammunition. She challenges every morsel of your beliefs while entertaining and enlightening.

Marsha dares people to take personal responsibility for their choices, success, and life. Marsha is original, unique, and one-of-a-kind professional speaker author. Whether dealing with employee relationships, increasing productivity or pumping up sales, her guiding principles bring energy and fun to any meeting or event.

She is the best-selling author of “Toxic People: Decontaminate Difficult People at Work Without Using Weapons or Duct Tape” and also “The Reactor Factor: How to Handle Difficult Work Situations Without Going Nuclear.” She is also the author of several other resources including the award-winning book “The CEO of YOU: Leading YOURSELF to Success.”

Course Descriptions

The CEO of YOU: Today’s Choices are Tomorrow’s Realities

This direct, no fluff message moves audiences to immediate action, helping them make better choices, take personal responsibility and be more successful. The best in professional development. This presentation is based on Marsha’s award winning book, The CEO of YOU.

Decontaminate Toxic People: Dealing with Difficult People Without Weapons or Duct Tape

Survival tactics to manage people that suck the life out of you like the Backstabber, Know-it-All, Whine and Cheeser, and more. Listening skills included because “Silence is Golden but Duct Tape is Silver.” Based on Marshal’s #1 bestselling book, Toxic People.

The Flexibility Factor: Blessed are the Flexible for They Shall Not Be Bent Out of Shape

Flexibility is the key to managing change and leadership excellence. Improve communication skills, judgment, and attitude by focusing on perception. Outcome? Improved morale and productivity. A flexible attitude won’t manage the impending change, but it will tick off enough people to make it worth the effort.

Is Your Networking Working: How to Maximize Web 2.0 and Other Networking Possibilities to Grow Your Business

Spend less time smoozing and more time closing deals by polishing you networking skills. Establish a simple way to brag on yourself using Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Facebook and more! Learn why Web 2.0 saves time and increases your business without spending a dime.

The Reactor Factor: How to Handle Difficult Work Situations Without Going Nuclear

This presentation reveals real time solutions to improve communications with clients and personnel while managing the economic and business situations in the real world. Entitlement will vanish, attitudes, productivity, and profits will improve with Marsha’s no fluff tips and techniques. This is also the title of her latest book, published by John Wiley, New York.

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Webinar: Flexibility Factor: How to Meet Challenges in the Current Real Estate Market