Oracle Park

REALTORS® are leaders in driving positive change in their communities. At the 2019 REALTORS® Conference & Expo, three philanthropic efforts will make a world of difference to people in need in San Francisco and beyond.

Waste Not

Both the Moscone Center and NAR’s headquarters hotel, the Marriott Marquis, have food recovery programs in place to ensure that unused food from the conference goes to those in need. For other meetings throughout the year, NAR has partnered with the Food Recovery Network, a national nonprofit organization led by college students, to donate unserved meals to the less fortunate in the community. NAR CEO Bob Goldberg announced the partnership in August, noting that FRN helped the association recover 85 meals after two meetings were cancelled during the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington, D.C., in May. NAR has called on the 1,200 state and local REALTOR® associations to develop similar food recovery partnerships. “Giving back to the community is the right thing to do, and I am proud that NAR members have a long history of helping their neighbors,” Goldberg says.

FRN, which was founded in 2011 and has more than 200 chapters on college campuses in 44 states, has recovered more than 3.9 million pounds of surplus food from school cafeterias and local restaurants.

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Take in the View, Be Part of the Relief

Make your own commitment to help others while you’re here. Join your friends and colleagues for the REALTORS® Relief Climb on Saturday, Nov. 9, 7–9 a.m., at Oracle Park, home of the San Francisco Giants. You can either climb the stadium stairs or, if you prefer, head straight to the deck and enjoy the view.

You need to sign up in advance at and pay a $50 registration fee. All proceeds will be shared by two organizations: the REALTORS® Relief Foundation, which offers short-term rental and mortgage assistance to disaster victims ($32 million collected since 2001, and every dollar goes to those in need), and the San Francisco Association of REALTORS®’ Welcome Home Project, which provides formerly homeless people with basic home goods. Each participant on Saturday will receive a free T-shirt. No time to climb? You can make a tax-deductible donation to RRF anytime at

Drop Off Personal Care Products

Be a good neighbor by picking up soap, toothpaste, or other toiletries at Target (789 Mission, a five-minute walk from Moscone)—or any retailer—to support a great cause. Bring items to the Good Neighbor Awards booth in the Moscone Center Hall D Concourse. These essentials will be delivered to Centro Latino de San Francisco, a community center primarily serving the elderly and adults with disabilities.
