Windermere Real Estate
1240 E 2100 S
Salt Lake CIty, UT 84106
United States
Utah US

“Make a commitment to come to work every day at a certain time and make a certain number of calls.”

What makes her special: Hendry never forgets to ask for the referral. Referrals supply about three-quarters of her business and have helped push her into the top eight in production within her 150-salesperson office.

How she got started: Hendry launched her real estate career in 1998 as a salesperson for builder KB Home (formerly Kaufman and Broad). She turned in a strong freshman effort, but she didn’t like being restricted to one subdivision. “I wanted to have the whole city as my inventory.” One year later, she joined Prudential Utah Real Estate. Now in her fifth year, she closed 26 transactions and more than $5 million in business in 2002.

How she gets FSBOs to listen: She makes a point of talking to them in person, armed with a detailed full-color marketing plan. “People have a harder time slamming a door in your face than hanging up the phone,” she says. “When you call, you’re just a voice on the line, but when you visit you can establish rapport.”