How are CIPS designees networking with one another, with other real estate professionals, and with clients?

Which International Conferences Have You Attended?

  • 41% REALTORS® Conference & Expo
  • 26% Other
  • 13% FIABCI World Congress
  • 7% AMPI Summit or National Congress (Mexico)
  • 4% EXPO REAL (Germany)
  • 4% MIPIM (France)
  • 4% SIMA (Spain)

Which Social Media Platforms Do You Use for Your International Business?

  • 66% Facebook
  • 62% LinkedIn
  • 26% Twitter
  • 23% None
  • 14% Pinterest
  • 10% Instagram
  • 6% Other

Have You Ever Attended a Real-Estate Conference Outside Your Home Country?

  • 59% Yes
  • 41% No

Getting Involved

Percent of CIPS designees who participate in global councils/committees at different levels:

  • 52% at the local association level
  • 17% at the state association level
  • 24% at the national association level