Many of our REALTOR® Associations have received NAR's Placemaking Micro-grant to help fund the creation of a vibrant public place in their community.    Perhaps these places have now become a favorite place to go.   If so, get it on the list of favorite plazas and parks.  Nominate your park or plaza  today.

This is a re-post from the Project for Public Spaces on Jul 23, 2015.

Over the past few months, we’ve highlighted the world’s best streets and public markets – now it’s time to debut a few great parks, plazas, and squares. The latest addition to our Great Public Spaces website features those third places we cherish, the community gathering spaces in which we meet our neighbors, bond with family, and make memories.

Paley Park in New York City, famously referenced in William H. “Holly” Whyte’s public life study | Photo by Sampo Siklo via Flickr

This is by no means a comprehensive list, and so we need your help. We’ll be adding spaces to the list regularly over the next several months, and we want your nominations. Whether it’s a small town square or Central Park, we want to know about the places that have an an impact on your life. You can also join the discussion by commenting on the spaces we’ve already featured.

Plaza de la Constitución in Oaxaca City, Mexico designed in traditional Spanish colonial style in 1529 | Photo by Steve Cadman via Flickr

To kick off the discussion, we’re spotlighting several spaces here. It’s not a “best of” or a “top 10″ –  just a list of a few places that people think are great, and some thoughts on how and why they work. With your help we’ll be releasing more over the coming weeks in order to create a resource page to come back to, again and again.

Nominate your great places here!

The Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy, an unlikely but highly successful public space | Photo by Wooly Matt via Flickr

