Closing More Deals, More Quickly with eSignature Technology   

The commercial real estate market has been hit hard by the economy. Times like these give us opportunity – and reason – to look at our businesses and find ways to drive efficiency, reduce cost and close more deals, more quickly. Fortunately technology offers solutions to help commercial real estate agents and brokers be even savvier to succeed in this troublesome market.   

One solution that’s taking real estate by storm is electronic signatures. With an e-signature tool, you no longer need to drive all over town to get a signature. You can stop the hours spent sending and resending faxes, only to find yourself with illegible documents. E-signature solutions eliminate these unnecessary steps, reducing your costs and speeding up the time to close by facilitating the signing of contracts. One such service that is leading the real estate industry is DocuSign.   

“As a commercial real estate broker, time is money, and since most of my clients are not in the same city as I am, DocuSign affords us the ability to send listing agreements, contracts and offers to our clients spread out from California to Maine,” says Jeff Conn, Commercial Investment Specialist, Coldwell Banker International. “Since using DocuSign, we’ve seen our turnaround in getting contracts go from two to three days down to minutes.” 

DocuSign is saving commercial practitioners time, reducing costs, and enhancing client satisfaction by providing a fast, easy, secure and legally binding way to get a signature. Your clients can DocuSign contracts from their office computer, laptop, Apple®  iPadTM or even from their mobile device anytime, anywhere.   

Do Your Homework

There are many e-signature providers, but it is wise to do your homework. There are federal laws that outline what makes an eSignature valid and legally binding. Be sure the service you choose is 100% compatible with the ESIGN Act requirements for a valid electronic signature so you and your clients are assured documents are safe, accessible and meet federal acceptance guidelines.

DocuSign is the official and exclusive electronic signature provider for the National Association of REALTORS®, under the REALTOR Benefits® Program. To learn more, visit Get the truly free, 30-day trial of the exclusive REALTOR® branded edition, with plans starting as low as $14.99/month for up to ten users. 

For plans of eleven or more users, call 1-877-720-2040 or email   

A Commercial Real Estate Company You Can’t Afford to Overlook!

There aren’t many positives for several industries in the economic storm that our nation is currently enduring; but, in the past year, one company has emerged as a powerhouse. If you haven’t heard of ePropertyData, (ePD) you soon will. ePD brought six new Commercial Information Exchanges (CIEs) to market in 2010; one of them for the Triangle Commercial Association of REALTORS® (TCAR) in North Carolina. TCAR worked with ePD to introduce, Tacquire, their property-centric CIE – proving that success can prevail—even when times are tough.

In just four months after launching, Tacquire has exceeded its membership goal by more than 100 percent and is heading into 2011 with strong momentum. “Working with eProperty Data, we have already added requested features such as traffic counts, tenant search capabilities, and an e-mail blast tool that encompasses not only Tacquire, but also TCAR members. Having the right team in place has also been critical”, said Shane Bull, TCAR President.

A new spin on commercial listing technology

A “property-centric system” and a focus on advanced user functionality is the silver lining behind eProperty Data’s success, which captured the attention of NAR. In 2008, after careful due diligence, NAR acquired ePD to build commercial real estate platforms for independent brokers and their associations. But what sets the company apart is how the systems are built. The answer: one city at a time.

A strong history

eProperty Data – there’s a successful history associated with this rising star. Born in Seattle, Washington, ePD earned recognition as a company to watch after successfully launching two of the largest CIE’s in the country – CBA in Seattle and Commgate in Houston. Since then numerous commercial organizations have worked with ePD to find solutions to managing their data. 

Boost Your Productivity with the New Online Member Guide

The new online NAR Member Guide is launching on May 10th. It’s designed to provide customized NAR information based on your NRDS profile. And it has up-to-the minute core membership benefits and news from your local and state associations.

Talk about tech savvy, this online guide provides information you need on-the-go – 24/7 via the new iPhone and iPad apps launching along with the Member Guide. The apps are free to REALTORS.® Just enter your NRDS number, download the apps and you’ll receive alerts as updates are made. Get the latest news, resources and member savings from your REALTOR® family – and gain a new edge in your real estate business.

A special tab with the red Commercial “R” membership mark will be visible to all members who have identified commercial real estate as their primary field of business in NRDS. Here, you’ll find information on all the commercial resources and benefits available – including industry statistics and research and educational offerings. You’ll be the first to know when we’ve made progress on a legislative issue like lease accounting, or when a new, free commercial webinar posts, and you’ll get the newest commercial economic forecast delivered directly to you.

Whether you are at your desk or on the go, with the Member Guide and apps, you’ll be able to combine the power and efficiency of technology with the resources and benefits of your NAR membership.
