Derek SpragueDerek Sprague is a data-cruncher who prides himself on diving deep into the numbers to ensure the very best service for each client’s unique business strategy. Instead of being a specialist in one particular commercial real estate sector, Derek continuously studies his market, California’s Central Valley, so that he may efficiently and effectively support clients with industrial, agricultural, office, and retail needs. His versatility is largely a result of his educational experiences, which include his father’s life-long real estate mentoring, earning his CCIM designation, and representing the industry through REALTOR® leadership roles at the local, state, and national levels. 

Emily Line (EL):  I read an interview where you said, “Meeting new people without the protection of a keyboard or touch screen is the most effective prospecting tool available.” I know you’re also a fact-driven guy, so what’s your recipe for combining your in-person prospecting ability with a data-driven approach? 

Derek Sprague (DS):   I try to focus on tools that add value to my role as a REALTOR® in the transaction that result in having an advantage over the competition. One of those tools is RPR Mobile™, which I use frequently in the field. I love how I can instantly access property owner info and a full account of each property. The detailed Trade Area reports that highlight consumer spending habits, psychographics, demographic and economic statistics for the current state of the market, and projections for the future are a go-to for me. I can make the connection and back up my pitch with “real time” data. 

EL:  Do you have a scenario you’ve run into where ready access to data has been a difference maker? 

DS: The depth of knowledge I have about my local market was a decisive factor in my brokerage becoming part of the Mossy Oak Properties family. My family comes from farmers and we love the outdoors, so when I met with the Mossy Oak Properties team, I saw us as a perfect fit. Mossy Oak generates billions of impressions annually through a family of brands that have a deep, genuine connection with land. I wanted to work with them – to prospect through their network based on referrals – and RPR® gave me the competitive edge to show that I am an agent at a small firm capable of big things. With RPR®’s 166 million parcels locked and loaded nationwide, I was perfectly positioned to be the professional at the heart of the transaction able to show where good land deals can be found and why investing there makes sense. Landing this partnership will open up a world of opportunities to grow my business.

EL:  When you have potential investors whether it’s through your Mossy Oak partnership or other referrals, how do you go the extra mile to find the right property?  

DS: The client is relying on me to provide insight that protects their investment. My company is a full service real estate company and, for better or worse, every commercial deal has quirks that make it unique from the last deal. RPR®’s resources allow us to be nimble. In other words, we can adapt on the fly based on the client’s criteria. 

For example, I was recently on-site reviewing property details with a client who voiced interest in a neighboring property.  Instead of saying ‘I’ll send you a report when I get back to the office,’ I used RPR Mobile™ to access the ownership, tax information, mortgage record, legal description, parcel map, and reiterated market statistics for the neighboring property on the spot. The client was impressed. Commercial transactions are lengthy from start to finish, so I am all about this kind of efficiency.

EL:  I love your company motto, “Extensive Resources, Personal Relationships.”  Can you tell me a little bit more about how this philosophy benefits your clients?     

DS:  We recognize that clients have put a lot of effort into their projects, so our goal is always to work just as hard. Whether it’s through our professional marketing packages, project feasibility analysis, or contract negotiations, we strive to represent each project in the best way possible.  We utilize tools characteristic of many large commercial brokerages, while at the same time maintaining a personal involvement in every project. We use extensive resources, including RPR®, while working with our clients. The whole package creates a transparent, professional real estate experience.
