Both chambers of Congress will be in session the week of July 11th. Here are some of the hearings NAR staff will be monitoring this week. On Tuesday in the House of Representatives the Ways and Means Committee addresses Rising Health Insurance Premiums. The Financial Services Committee reviews the Choice Act Discussion Draft. Over in the Senate the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will be examining the Federal Communications Commission’s Broadband Internet Provider Privacy Regulations. Wednesday, there are two hearings of interest in the House: the Financial Services Committee will be looking at accountability at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Appropriations Committee takes a closer look at Policy Riders on Overtime Rule, Fiduciary Rule, and Joint Employer Guidance. The schedule concludes on Thursday with the Science, Space and Technology Committee examining the FDIC’s Major Data Breach Response. The Financial Services committee will be conducting an oversight hearing on operations of Non-Bank Financial Companies

Read this week's committee schedulepdf
