As REALTORS®, we help build and maintain communities. We aren't just there when the time comes to buy or sell a home. We are there during periods of need as well. Now—in the wake of Hurricane Sandy—is one of those occasions.

It will take more time to know the full impact of Hurricane Sandy, but the devastation in the mid-Atlantic is widespread. I personally have contacted the state associations in New York, New Jersey, and all the affected areas. At this point, we know that more than 8.2 million homes and businesses lost power in the United States because of Sandy, and there is a significant loss of life attributed to this deadly storm.

For more than 11 years, the REALTORS® Relief Foundation has been dedicated to providing housing-related assistance to victims of disasters. Without a doubt, there are many, many families out there who need our help now. If you can spare even a small amount, now is the time to make that commitment. A little bit can go a long way when we all give.

So please, follow your heart and reach out a helping hand to those in need.

Make a donation today.

The foundation will work with state associations in affected areas to distribute funds as quickly as possible to those in need within the REALTOR® family and within the community at large. Keep in mind that 100 percent of the money you give to the foundation directly benefits disaster victims; NAR covers all the administrative costs of the fund. Every penny you give goes to those in need.

Please give what you can. There is no better way to demonstrate that REALTORS® are the Heart of the Deal!
