Describe the initiative and purpose

The Arizona Association of REALTORS® blog allows AAR to communicate updates, late breaking news and articles to its members instantaneously. Members who have subscribed to AAR’s RSS feed are immediately notified of new posts so they can access information right away.

What method of communication or format/vehicle did your association use?

Recorded messages posted on

How did you measure the success of this initiative?

I believe the blog is successful because the information that is posted is timely and easily shared by subscribers with other members. Word-of-blog travels very fast.

What improvements can be made?

AAR could improve this communication vehicle by highlighting the subscribe feature. receives hundreds of visits per day by members looking for new information. If members knew they could receive a notice of updates to the blog, the number of subscribers would increase dramatically.

Tips / Suggestions for other AEs:

  • Use the blog for important updates. Also, be sure to update it often or members will forget it exists.

Submitted by:
Monica Schulik
Arizona Association of REALTORS®
Phone:  (602) 248 - 7787
