The Future of Housing Finance: Myths vs. Facts Ad

As Congress and the Administration consider reforms to the nation's mortgage finance system, NAR is advocating on behalf of REALTORS® and consumers to ensure an efficient and adequately regulated secondary mortgage market—a new system that involves some government presence and provides homebuyers with access to affordable, sustainable mortgages. As part of that effort, NAR placed this ad in several prominent Capitol Hill publications, including Politico, The Hill, and CQ Today.

It reads:

MYTH: We don’t need Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to provide new mortgage financing.

FACT: Banks aren’t lending now because the future is too uncertain in mortgage financing. Homebuyers need a steady, reliable flow of mortgage funding.

MYTH: Privatizing Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac will help the economy.

FACT: GSE reform is needed, but eliminating all federal involvement would harm economic recovery and put the housing market at greater risk.

MYTH: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are preventing private capital from coming back into the market.

FACT: Today, private capital is non-existent outside the GSE mortgage financing limits.
