Business people greeting with elbow bump in office

After more than a year of masking and social distancing, more people are returning to a normal routine as COVID-19 vaccines blunt the effects of the pandemic. But with more coronavirus restrictions coming to and end, many people are wondering what the workplace will look like moving forward and how business etiquette will change. For now, experts say, you may need to continue keeping the handshake—a traditional greeting and symbol of agreement on a transaction—in your back pocket.

“Don’t offer to shake hands if you are introduced,” writes etiquette expert Eva Del Rio in a column for The Gainesville Sun in Florida. “Simply say, ‘It’s nice to meet you,’ with a smile and a nod of the head while keeping your hands by your side. If someone offers their hand to you, it’s okay to say, ‘It’s so nice to meet you, but I’m not shaking hands yet,’ implying that someday you will.”

Elbow bumping, Del Rio notes, was a fun, new way to greet others at the beginning of the pandemic, but now she says it’s unnecessary and can come across as gimmicky in the workplace. Also, continue to respect personal space. Some consumers may be uneasy with someone who comes too close to them or if a shopper stands right behind them in line.

In March, nearly half of Americans—an equal share of vaccinated and unvaccinated people—said they felt uneasy about adjusting to in-person interaction again, according to a survey from the American Psychological Association. Del Rio says you don’t have to space yourself too far from others, but be mindful that people now consider “personal space” to be a larger area than before the pandemic.

Everyone has different comfort levels, James Honeycutt of the University of Texas at Dallas told In describing proxemics, the study of social space, Honeycutt says that about 18 inches around your body are considered intimate space, up to four feet is personal, 12 is social, and 36 is public.

Also, follow local mask guidance as a show of respect to others. “Remember, etiquette is not so much about rules; it’s about being considerate and thoughtful of others,” Del Rio writes for the Sun. “This means always carry a mask with you—just in case. And never make fun of someone for wearing a mask or taking a precaution.”
